Guidelines: What to Do When Suspecting COVID-19 Infection ?

The COVID-19 pandemic situation remains a cause for concern.

Today, GP Auto Parts Co., Ltd. would like to share the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Public Health on what to do if you suspect you may have contracted COVID-19.

The emphasis is on self-testing with an Antigen Test Kit (ATK) or seeking professional assistance as a priority. In the case of self-testing, if the ATK result is positive, please contact the Department of Disease Control (DDC) at 1330, available 24 hours a day, or via Line ID @nhso, where officers will assist you and assess your symptoms to determine the severity.

In cases where individuals get tested at healthcare facilities, the healthcare personnel will evaluate their symptoms. For patients with either no symptoms or mild symptoms and no risk factors such as underlying medical conditions, they can enter home isolation or community isolation. Continuous monitoring, symptom assessment, and the provision of necessary medications and essentials will be conducted by dedicated staff. This approach aims to reduce hospital congestion due to COVID-19, particularly the Omicron variant, which spreads easily but often causes mild symptoms. However, if a patient’s condition worsens during home or community isolation, the healthcare personnel will coordinate their transfer to a hospital for further treatment.

For patients with a positive ATK result and symptoms or risk factors such as fluctuating underlying medical conditions, they will be referred to hospital care based on the following criteria:
– Fever higher than 39 degrees Celsius persisting for more than 24 hours
– Adults breathing at a rate exceeding 25 breaths per minute
– Blood oxygen levels below 94%
– Presence of underlying medical conditions with associated risks
– Children experiencing respiratory distress, lethargy, or decreased intake of food/milk

For cases where the ATK result is negative, further consideration will depend on the presence of symptoms. If symptoms are present, a repeat PCR test will be conducted to confirm the result. If no symptoms are present, individuals will be evaluated for any risk factors. If there are risk factors, they will be required to self-isolate and undergo ATK testing every 3 days or whenever symptoms arise. If the result is positive, they should contact the Department of Disease Control.

For individuals without risk factors, there is no need for self-isolation. However, it’s important to adhere to DMHT measures, which include maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, practicing hand hygiene, and regularly checking body temperature before entering various premises.

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