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Car Free Day

The origin of Car Free Day Car Free Day, observed on September 22 each year, is promoted by organizations worldwide to encourage people to reduce personal car usage, opt for public transportation, and increase cycling. This initiative aims to decrease the number of private cars on the roads, thereby reducing air pollution from vehicles and improving air quality. It also helps alleviate traffic congestion, reduce accidents, save travel time, conserve energy, and lower transportation costs. The campaign typically takes place on September 22 and every Sunday throughout September. For Thailand itself, the campaign for Car Free Day has been ongoing since the year 2000 (2543 in the Thai calendar). Various activities have been organized as part of Car Free Day in each province. One common activity is cycling campaigns aimed at encouraging people to leave their cars at home and participate in activities together. This initiative has received positive responses over the years. In the year 2022, there were activities for Car Free Day, including: Car Free Day brought together the people of Chonburi to advocate for cycling. PLAENGYAO CAR FREE DAY 2022 in Chachoengsao province. Bangkok Car Free Day 2022 @Square B, CentralWorld. For those who can’t join the event, they can still participate by reducing their use of fuel, decreasing pollution, and lowering the risk of accidents. We can all contribute together by using public transportation, bicycles, or walking if the distance is short. Not only does this help the planet, but it also promotes good health through exercise. If driving is necessary, don’t forget to check all vehicle parts before heading out. ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

The new traffic laws, which come into effect today, September 5, 2022.

The Land Traffic Act of 2022. The new traffic law, effective from today, September 5, 2022, aims to streamline traffic and enhance safety. Today marks the first day of implementation of the new Land Traffic Act No. 13 of 2565. The enforcement of the Land Traffic Act, as specified in the Royal Gazette, is aimed at limiting the rights and freedoms of individuals for reasons of necessity and public interest. This enforcement is intended to ensure the effective implementation of traffic laws and regulations for the benefit of public safety, peace, and the well-being of the people. Drivers must pay close attention to and comply strictly with this new version of the Land Traffic Act. Violators will face severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines, significantly higher than those stipulated in the previous version of the law! ❌ Driving over the speed limit: Fine not exceeding 4,000 baht. Previous penalty: Fine not exceeding 1,000 baht. ❌ Running a red light: Fine not exceeding 4,000 baht. Previous penalty: Fine not exceeding 1,000 baht. ❌ Failure to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks: Fine not exceeding 4,000 baht. Previous penalty: Fine not exceeding 1,000 baht. ❌ Reversing without caution: Fine not exceeding 2,000 baht. Previous penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 baht. ❌ Not wearing a helmet: Fine not exceeding 2,000 baht. Previous penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 baht. ❌ Not fastening seat belts: Fine not exceeding 2,000 baht. Previous penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 baht. ❌ Reckless driving endangering others’ lives or bodies: Imprisonment not exceeding 1 year, fine of 5,000-20,000 baht, or both imprisonment and fine. Drive safely and respect traffic rules, everyone. Thank you for the information from: #NewTrafficLaw #TrafficRules #SafeDriving ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

How to fix the engine oil warning light?

The engine oil warning light is on, don’t ignore it. As car users, it’s crucial that we always keep an eye on our vehicles and never ignore warning signs inside the car. Today, let’s talk about what to do if the “engine oil warning light” comes on. Don’t panic, as it could lead to more significant issues than you think. We should understand what causes it and how to respond appropriately when such a situation occurs. First and foremost, we need to understand the main cause of the engine warning light coming on, which is primarily due to issues with the engine oil. The engine oil may not be circulating properly in the system, leading the system to detect that the oil pressure is below the standard level, triggering the engine oil warning light. This can be caused by several factors, including: The deterioration of various components such as leaking rubber seals, clogged engine oil filters, faulty oil pumps, or malfunctioning oil pressure sensors. Dry or low engine oil levels below the standard. Vehicle impact causing an oil pan leak, cracked valve cover gasket resulting in engine oil leaking into the combustion chamber or cooling system. Or if there are modifications to the engine, it may lead to loose fittings or components. **If such a warning light appears and we continue driving, it could lead to catastrophic engine failure. In severe cases, it might damage the entire engine system, necessitating a complete replacement. Therefore, here are the steps to follow when encountering the “Engine Oil Warning Light”: 1. Find a safe place to park and turn off the engine immediately. 2. Inspect for signs of leaks or oil drips on the ground. 3. Check the engine oil level by pulling out the dipstick. If the oil level is low, add oil until it reaches the full mark, or locate a nearby service station to top up. 4. Attempt to start the engine again. If the warning light persists, it’s advisable to contact a towing service to have the vehicle towed to a garage or service center for inspection by a mechanic. For safety purposes, don’t forget to regularly inspect your vehicle. ???? Thank you for the information from: toyotabuzz ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) adjusts the plan to integrate Easy Pass Plus+ with the M-Flow system.

The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) plans to complete the integration of Easy Pass Plus+ with the M-Flow system by September 2022 to ensure information technology security. The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT), under the Ministry of Transport, has adjusted the plan to integrate the data of users who have updated their Easy Pass cards to Easy Pass Plus+ for the M-Flow system. This integration is to be completed by September 2022 to ensure information systems security. This will facilitate Easy Pass Plus+ users by allowing them to pass through M-Flow lanes with deductions made directly from their card’s reserve account, without needing to re-register for M-Flow. To ensure information systems security with this Single Platform integration, data transmission will be handled via API (Application Program Interface). The integration is expected to be completed by September 2022. The plan for the M-Flow system rollout on EXAT’s expressways is as follows: – Phase 1 : The Chalerm Mahanakorn Expressway will see the implementation of M-Flow at three toll plazas: Chatuchot, Sukhaphiban 5-1, and Sukhaphiban 5-2. These are scheduled to begin service by the end of 2022. – Phase 2A : The Chalerm Mahanakorn Expressway, Burapha Withi Expressway, and Kanchanaphisek Expressway will have M-Flow implemented at a total of 60 toll plazas, scheduled to start service in September 2024. – Phase 2B : The Chaloem Maha Nakhon Expressway, Si Rat Expressway, Si Rat-Outer Ring Road Expressway, and Udon Ratthaya Expressway will have M-Flow implemented at a total of 70 toll plazas, also scheduled to start service in September 2024. Users of the Easy Pass card can update their information themselves through the EXAT Portal Application or at Thank you for the information from: The Expressway Authority of Thailand For more information, please visit ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

Eliminate musty odors in your car easily by yourself.

Musty smell is no joke!! During the upcoming rainy season, aside from dealing with issues like flooding and traffic congestion, another major problem for cars that is often overlooked is the issue of ‘odor’ inside the vehicle. The main cause usually stems from the air conditioning system, where moisture accumulates, especially in the air ducts under the dashboard, leading to unpleasant musty odors. Moreover, this moisture becomes a breeding ground for various bacteria and fungi, which can have adverse effects on the health of passengers. Today, GP Parts has some DIY tips to help you easily eliminate musty odors in your car. 1. Opening the car doors to let sunlight in is the simplest and most basic method. Sunlight helps to dry the interior of the car, and the air passing through helps to dissipate unpleasant odors. 2. Odor eliminating sprays come in various scents nowadays. Spray them inside the car before use and let it sit for about 15 minutes to reduce unwanted odors. 3. Dried tea leaves, wrapped in thin fabric, can be placed inside the car. The tea leaves help to absorb musty odors. 4. Rice husk charcoal, an ancient folk wisdom, can be placed in large chunks in different corners of the car. It takes about 2-3 days for the charcoal to absorb musty odors from the car. 5. Strong-smelling vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar, scooped into small bowls (about 3-5 tablespoons), can be placed inside the car for 2-3 hours to help reduce musty odors.   ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

EV vs. Gasoline Cars

The electric vehicle trend is gaining momentum! Believe that now the dilemma of whether to buy a gasoline car or an electric car is still a concern? Today, we’ll compare the differences to clearly see the advantages and disadvantages of gasoline cars and electric cars. . In terms of energy sources: Electric Cars: Charging can be done at home by installing a standard safety-compliant electric car charger (starting installation cost at 11,000 baht) or using charging stations. The charging time varies depending on the type of charger and the battery size and electric capacity of the charger. Gasoline Cars: Refueling can be done at regular gas stations and does not take much time. . In terms of energy efficiency: Electric Cars: On average, it costs around 0.6-1 baht per kilometer. Gasoline Cars: On average, it costs around 3 baht per kilometer. These figures represent approximate average costs that can vary depending on various factors such as engine size, car model, age of the vehicle, driving habits, etc. . In terms of maintenance: Electric Cars: They have fewer parts overall, making maintenance quicker and more cost-effective. However, battery replacement or issues can incur relatively high costs. Gasoline Cars: They require more parts and have more complex engines compared to electric cars, which can make repairs more intricate and potentially more expensive. . In terms of vehicle performance: Electric Cars: They have quieter engines and often offer better acceleration rates. Gasoline Cars: They tend to have louder engines and may experience engine vibrations. . In terms of environmental impact: Electric Cars: They do not emit pollutants into the environment. Gasoline Cars: They emit pollutants if they are older models or not properly maintained. Cr.bangkokbiznews ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

What is M-Flow?

M-Flow is an automatic toll collection system with free flow capability. By utilizing AI technology to detect license plates, M-Flow enables quick and convenient toll collection with a free flow system. Vehicles can pass through immediately at the legal speed limit without needing to stop or slow down, reducing traffic congestion. It is compatible with all types of vehicles permitted on highways, including 4-wheelers, 6-wheelers, and more than 6-wheelers, except for vehicles with red plates, modified license plates, obscured or damaged plates, or unclear plates. The M-Flow system is fully operational at four toll booths: Tubsai 1, Tubsai 2, Thanaburi 1, and Thanaburi 2, located on the rightmost lane of each booth, designated for M-Pass and original Easy Pass transactions. How does M-Flow benefit you? 1. No more waiting in line at toll booths. With Video Tolling technology, it automatically detects your vehicle’s license plate, allowing you to pass through without wasting time waiting in payment queues or for the barrier to lift. 2. No need to reduce speed. Vehicles can pass through the toll booths at speeds not exceeding the legal limit of 120 km/h, allowing for smooth traffic flow. ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

Stopping the car to let pedestrians cross is not just an act of kindness, but a traffic rule!

Enforce Traffic Laws and Penalties In regard to driving and pedestrian crossings on zebra crossings, failure to stop for pedestrians carries a fine of no more than 1,000 Baht, while pedestrians not using the crossing face fines of up to 200 Baht. The legislation governing zebra crossings is outlined in the Land Traffic Act of 1979, which contains regulations for both drivers and pedestrians. 🚫Article 22 Drivers must drive cautiously and yield to pedestrians at crossings or to vehicles approaching from the right. 🚫Article 57 Drivers are prohibited from parking on pedestrian crossings or within 3 meters of them. 🚫Article 70 Drivers approaching junctions or intersections must stop or slow down, depending on the situation. 🚫Article 104 Within 100 meters of a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians are not allowed to cross outside of the designated area. 🚫Article 105 Pedestrians must follow traffic signals at pedestrian crossings. Red signals indicate crossing is prohibited, while green signals allow crossing. Pedestrians should wait if the signal is flashing yellow or green on the side they haven’t reached yet. 🚫Article 106 Pedestrians must obey traffic signals at crossings and intersections. They must cross within the designated pedestrian area and wait for signals to cross when indicated. The penalty for not stopping for pedestrians to cross is a fine of 1,000 Baht. Regarding penalties, Article 147 stipulates that those who violate or fail to comply with Articles 104, 105, and 106 will be fined no more than 200 Baht. Meanwhile, Article 148 states that those who violate or fail to comply with Articles 57 and 70 will be fined no more than 500 Baht, and Article 152 specifies that those who violate or fail to comply with Article 22 will be fined no more than 1,000 Baht. In summary, if a driver does not allow pedestrians to cross within 100 meters of a pedestrian crossing, the fine is not more than 200 Baht. If the driver does not stop for pedestrians to cross at a pedestrian crossing, the fine is not more than 1,000 Baht. Additionally, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation provides information that if a driver hits a pedestrian crossing at a crossing, causing injury, the penalty is imprisonment for not more than 3 years. In the case of a fatal accident, the penalty is imprisonment for not more than 10 years. G.P. Auto Parts supports everyone in respecting traffic laws for their own safety and that of others. 🚦 Source: Land Traffic Act of 1979 (B.E. 2522), Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. ___________________________________ Place an order/Become a distributor. GP MOBILITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Line id: @gpautoparts or Link Contact: Follow me: Service Monday to Saturday from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM. 02-941-1222 (Auto),02-579-2882

How many types of gear oil are there, and which type should you choose?

Gear oil is a crucial factor in ensuring that the gears work efficiently. In addition to aiding the operation of the gear system, gear oil helps maintain and care for your car’s gearbox, ensuring it functions smoothly and lasts longer without breaking down. Generally, it’s recommended to change the gear oil every 30,000-40,000 kilometers. However, for vehicles that frequently shift gears, such as those driven in urban areas like Bangkok, it’s advisable to change it more frequently, around every 10,000-20,000 kilometers or annually. This interval is considered the most suitable. Once you know it’s time to change the gear oil, it’s essential to choose the right type of gear oil suitable for your vehicle’s usage. You need to know whether your car has a manual transmission or an automatic transmission. Once you know the transmission type, selecting the appropriate gear oil becomes easier. Conventional Gear Oil: It has a higher viscosity and is suitable for the operation of manual gear systems with a clutch and gear shifting, which generates significant friction. Therefore, it requires gear oil with high viscosity to ensure smooth gear changes and excellent protection against wear. Typically, the viscosity rating is 75W-85 or higher. Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF): It has lower viscosity and is designed for automatic transmission systems with a planetary gear system. ATF contains numerous small components and experiences more movement than manual gear systems. Thus, it requires gear oil with lower viscosity, allowing it to flow freely and penetrate various components effectively. It also facilitates power transmission from the pump to the torque converter. Once you’ve chosen the right engine oil, you can go ahead and order it from ACDelco Shop By G.P.Auto Parts FB-INBOX : LAZADA : ช้อปออนไลน์ ACDelco Shop_GP Auto | Lazada Thailand SHOPEE : ACDelco Shop_GP Auto, ร้านค้าออนไลน์ | Shopee Thailand ACDelco Supreme Plus Gear Oil 75W-90 19375332 is a fully synthetic automotive gear and differential oil. It is manufactured using a special process from high-quality synthetic base oils and premium additives to provide excellent protection against extreme pressure, ensuring optimal gear performance even under heavy-duty conditions. Features: – Provides excellent protection against component wear. – Protects gears and bearings exceptionally well. – Resists foaming of the oil, which can cause wear. – Provides excellent protection against gear corrosion and rust. Usage: – Suitable for lubricating conventional gear systems. – Suitable for rear differentials and other gear systems in passenger cars and small commercial vehicles. – Suitable for use in trucks, heavy machinery, tractors, and marine engines. Standard: API GL-5 Lazada : Shopee : ACDelco Select Gear Oil SAE 80W-90 19375185 This automotive gear oil and differential fluid is formulated with high-quality additives, including Extreme Pressure additives, to enhance impact load-bearing capacity and withstand high torque. Features: – Heat resistant and oxygen reaction prevention properties ensure oil stability and prolonged service life. – High-performance pressure additives reduce gear set wear. – Provides excellent protection against corrosion and rust for gear sets. – Anti-foaming agents ensure rapid foam release, maintaining full protective film efficiency. Usage: – Suitable for general-purpose vehicles specified to use API GL-5 and GL-4 standards. – Ideal for hypoid, spiral bevel, and planetary gear sets. Standard: API GL-5 and GL-4 Lazada : Shopee : ACDelco Select Gear Oil 85W-140 19374722, 19348535 This high-performance automotive gear and differential oil is formulated from high-quality base oil blended with additives to provide excellent gear surface protection. It includes Extreme Pressure additives that ensure optimal protection for gears even under heavy-duty operating conditions. Characteristics: – Heat resistance and oxygen reaction prevention ensure oil stability and prolonged service life. – High-performance anti-wear agents reduce gear wear. – Effective protection against corrosion and rust for gear components. – Anti-foam additives swiftly dissipate foam to maintain full film protection. Usage: – Suitable for hypoid, spiral bevel, and limited slip differential gear sets. Standard: API GL-5 and GL-4. Lazada : Shopee : ACDelco CVT Fluid 19374313 This is a fully synthetic gear oil designed specifically for Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) systems. It provides high torque, immediate acceleration response in all driving conditions, along with excellent protection and reduced vibration in the transmission system. Features: – Helps adjust friction in the automatic CVT transmission system to suit the vehicle’s load, allowing for continuous and smooth gear ratio changes. – Enables seamless gear shifting without jerking. – Reduces the accumulation of sludge and prevents wear and tear, extending the lifespan of the transmission gears. Usage: – Suitable for Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT) automatic transmission systems. – Compatible with various vehicle models that utilize CVT gear systems. Standards: Daihatsu AMMIX CVT, CVTF-DC, CVTF-DFE, Dodge/Jeep NS-2, CVTF+4, Ford CVT23, CVT30/Motorcraft XT-7-QCFT, MERCON C, GM CVTF-Green2, DEX-CVT, Honda/Acura HMMF, HCF-2, Hyundai/Kia SP-CVTF 3320, Mercedes Benz 236.20, Mini Cooper EZL 799, EZL799A, Mitsubishi CVTF-J1, CVTF-J4, Nissan NS-1, NS-2, NS-2V, NS.3, Subaru Lineartronic CVTF (PIN K0425Y0710), Lineartronic, CVTF II (P/N SOA748V0200), CV-30, High Torque CVTF, e-CVTF, Suzuki TC, NS-2, CVTF3320, CVT Green2, CVT Green3, Toyota TC, FE, Volkswagen/Audi TL 52180, G 052 180 A2, G 052 516 A2.   Lazada : Shopee : ACDelco DEXRONTM -VI ATF 19374780, 19374779 is a high-quality synthetic automatic transmission fluid manufactured from highly refined base oils. It exhibits excellent heat resistance, making it ideal for withstanding oxidation reactions. It has low viscosity, reducing friction, and thus helps to conserve fuel. Characteristics: – Low viscosity, ensuring smooth gear operation without jerks. – Excellent heat resistance from oxidation reactions, extending the lifespan of the gear oil. – Prolongs the lifespan, preventing clutch plate wear, gear sets, and bearings from deteriorating. Usage: – Suitable for automatic transmission systems recommended to use DEXRONTM -VI standards and can be used as a replacement for gear oils specified under DEXRONTM -III or DEXRONTM -II(E) standards. Standards: DEXRONTM -VI (license number J-62103), Voith H55.6335.xx (G607) Lazada : Shopee : ACDelco DEXRONTM-III ATF 19374720 This high-quality synthetic automatic transmission fluid (ATF) exhibits excellent shear stability, providing reliable resistance against viscosity breakdown.