6 ways to extend the life of your car’s brake pads

Brake pads, an essential component of the braking system, generate friction with the brake discs to slow or stop the vehicle. Over time, they will gradually wear down and thin. Worn out or excessively worn brake pads can reduce braking performance or lead to an accident. How to detect worn brake pads Noise when braking […]

Prepare your vehicle for your New Year’s journey

GP autoparts

Before embarking on a long journey During the upcoming holiday season, it is crucial to prepare your car thoroughly to prevent any issues along the way. Here’s a detailed checklist: Inspect the Car’s Exterior: Check under the car for leaks, drips, or seepage of various engine components. Use a well-lit area to observe any water […]

How to Start a Successful Car Repair Shop


First and foremost, you need to assess yourself well before you decide if you have enough passion, knowledge, and experience. If you cannot fix your customers’ cars, you will not have a second chance. On the other hand, if you can repair your customers’ cars without any problems and provide excellent service, you will get […]

What’s the difference between OEM, OE and Aftermarket ?


Understanding the Different Types of Car Parts: OE, OEM, and Aftermarket OE (Original Equipment) It’s the genuine parts, those with the car logo, and come in the authentic packaging with the car parts logo. These parts adhere to the factory standards used in manufacturing cars and are also used for post-sale service at authorized service […]

When to Replace Your Car’s Brake Pads ?


For every car, the brake system is essential and needs proper maintenance, just like any other part. It has the crucial job of slowing down or stopping the vehicle safely. One part that owners can check themselves is the brake pads, which wear out over time and use. Let’s first get acquainted with the car’s […]